Automatic flush bolt OLDA 43 HZA-20T
Automatic, single-action flush bolt for non-spring-loaded bolting of the passive door leaf in double doors. To be recessed into doors of wood, steel, or aluminum profiles. Both up and/or down on the edge of passive door leaves.
The basic version of this product has a bolt with a length of 30 mm. An alternative version with a bolt length of 60 mm and increased adjustability is also available, which makes it possible to use it also when there is a large gap between the door leaf and frame or sill, or when a sill is not fitted. It is also suitable for integration with automatic drop seals etc.
Manufactured in steel. Coating: electro-zinc plating.
OLDA 43 HZA-20T is fitted recessed in the edge of the door, either flush, with cut-out, or without cut-out for the forend.
Fixed with two screws.
OLDA type 1 automatic flush bolt is fitted upper right and lower left in the passive door leaf.
OLDA type 2 automatic flush bolt is fitted lower right and upper left in the passive door leaf.
Extra information
Foreslåede produkter
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Automatisk låsning af et passivt dørblad. Forsænket montering op og/eller ned i passivt dørblad af stål- eller aluminiumsprofiler med eller uden samlede hjørner. Passer i profiler med en dybde på 50 mm. Faldende lås er vendbar, så bolten passer til både venstre- og højrehængte døre. Produktets bredde er 25 mm. Riglen (Ø = 12 mm) er justerbar i højden og er ikke udstyret med fjederbelastet funktion. Slutblik, styre- og låserør er inkluderet.
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