RG-471 Lukkokasetin vastakilpi

Vastakilpi lukkokasettiin RG- 470.

A high-quality mechanical lock housing from Assa, together with an oval Scandinavian lock cylinder constitutes a safe and professional locking unit. The lock fitting and cover form the basis for the entire range and enable further product selection for your application.

Our RG-470/471 forms the basis of a group of lock fittings for glass doors with module lock case type 565/310. The assortment includes lock cases, covers, end plates, frames, hinges, and a variety of products such as knobs, handles, cylinder rings, etc. The lock fitting, RG-470 includes screws and brackets for mounting, cylinder, cylinder rings, and knobs.

When using a cylinder, complete with a 9 mm cylinder ring on the inside (cover side) and a 13 mm cylinder ring including an escutcheon ring for the outside (lock case side).