RG-430 låshus, rektangulärt
Passar 8–10 mm glas. Kompletteras med dubbelcylinder med minimummått 28 mm på insida och utsida. Lämpliga cylindrar är 28/28, 28/31, 30/30 och 31/31. Lämpligt trycke är LH Ø19 mm utan rosett.
A rectangular lock case that fits 8-10 mm glass panes in glass walls.
To be completed with a double cylinder with a minimum of 28 mm on the inside and outside. Appropriate cylinders are 28/28, 28/31, 30/30, and 31/31.
A suitable lever handle is LH-201, 202 or 208 Ø 19 mm without a rosette.
To be completed with a double cylinder with a minimum of 28 mm on the inside and outside. Appropriate cylinders are 28/28, 28/31, 30/30, and 31/31.
A suitable lever handle is LH-201, 202 or 208 Ø 19 mm without a rosette.