Decibel Standard wooden door leaf
This sound-proof wooden door leaf (38dB/40 mm) from Nordic Door combined with the RG-580 Standard door frame creates a sound-reducing and stylish glass wall. The door leaf is available in various materials and colors.
Extra information
Cylinder escutcheon
A cylinder escutcheon for a standard oval cylinder. Available in several models with different surface treatments.
LH-6400/30 Lever handle
Lever handle type 6400 has a modern ergonomic design with a longer grip than many other door handles on the market.
RG-580 Decibel Standard door frame
Here, the Decibel Standard aluminum door frame is adjusted for a wooden door with sidelight within a sound-reducing glass wall solution. The RG-580 Decibel Standard door frame enables sound-reducing sections in an open-plan area without losing the sense of openness.
Thumb turn Set, Scandinavia TT-150
The Thumb turn set, incl. turning device and screws. Choose between chrome plated, satin chrome plated. To be used together with ROCAs cylinder escutcheon.