Decibel Sliding Door

Let us present the sound-reducing sliding door for a glass partition! Our in-house technicians developed this unique and discrete sliding door solution with aluminum profiles and special fittings to meet the increased demand for sound-insulating and space-saving glass doors.

A sound-reducing solution for a glass sliding door that

  • is sound-proof up to 32 dB*
  • saves space
  • offers a wider door opening
  • reduces the risk of pinched fingers
  • is easily mounted with pre-assembled seals
  • is available in natural or black
  • can be mounted so the door opens either to the right or the left

*)Tested at the University of Applied Sciences in Turku. The laboratory test showed a sound-reducing Weighted sound reduction index (Rw) of 32 dB, provided the installation is correctly done according to instructions.

Note: For a safe installation always use the Torque tool adapter!

Recommended glass:

  • For sound reduction up to 32 dB: Stratophone 10.76 mm laminated glass
  • For sound reduction up to 28 dB: Tempered 10 mm glass or standard 10.76 mm laminated glass